Program areas at People United for Sustainable Housing
Housing and community developmentpush has developed an innovative program with documented effectiveness to acquire and rehabilitate residential Housing and vacant land in buffalo's west side. The program has accomplished renovations of multiple units. Push also integrates "green" development into each of its development projects including a "net zero" house on winter street, installation of green infrastructure such as on-demand water heaters, radiant floor heating, solar panels and geothermal heating systems.
Rental property management push strives to decrease the rate of Housing abandonment by reclaiming empty houses from neglectful public and private owners and redeveloping them for occupancy by low-income residents.
Community organizing and youth centerpush organizes residents to create and implement an action plan for improving the neighborhood. Push strives to build a democratic, action-oriented organization capable of addressing the lack of living wage jobs and poor Housing conditions that may exist in the neighborhood. Push holds leadership trainings and planning meetings on a weekly basis. General events, including seasonal parties, film screenings and fundraisers, are open to all members. Leaders also plan public campaigns to promote corporate accountability in the realm of Sustainable urban development and to embed the push model and objectives in legislation and public programs. The grant street neighborhood center serves as a drop-in community center for the public, serving youth of all ages. There are a range of activities for youth to engage in computers, homework help, games, music, events and programming.
Push greenpush launched this program with the goal of weatherizing homes across the region. Push's central achievement in scaling up energy efficiency retrofits is green jobs - green ny (gjgny), an innovative law drafted in partnership with the center for working families in nyc. Push has made significant progress in implementing gjgny to scale-up the retrofit sector and to expand access to green jobs for low-income workers.