Program areas at Personal Development Center
Domestic abuse - advocacy and assistance with obtaining shelter and services from law enforcement, the legal community, social service agencies, and health care providers. Assistance with temporary restraining orders. Program participants in transition receive assistance with housing, education, employment, financial concerns, transportation, health, special needs, cultural and social barriers, or issues relating to children. Staff offers support and education for adults and children seeking to end the effects of abuse in their lives. The domestic abuse program also includes emergency shelter operations as well. Sexual assault advocacy services - comprehensive sexual assault services for adult victims of sexual assault, adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, adolescent/teen victims of sexual assault, and elder victims of sexual violence. Services are available to primary and secondary victims of sexual assault; services are designed to assist in understanding and stabilizing their lives after victimization; to provide medical/legal advocacy, counseling, information/resources/referrals, and support groups. Youth advocacy services - addresses the safety needs of children and youth ages pre-kindegarten to 18 years old who witnessed violence in the home; or have been neglected and/or abused physically, emotionally, or sexually. Programming follows a strength-based philosophy that focuses on the capacity of each child/youth, addresses individual needs, and builds upon identified strengths to support resiliency. The advocate provides one-on-one advocacy services to youth/teens and protective parents including: safety planning, legal advocacy, court accompaniment, education, and resources and referrals. Advocacy also addresses issues related to the mental, emotional, and physical health of youth/teen victim survivors.