Program areas at PGPF
Foundation activities - see statement 18 for overview grants and grant-makingthe Foundation provides grants to fund a variety of projectsand organizations that advance its mission. Granteesinclude research organizations, foundations, universities,associations, and other not-for-profit entities that engagein activities outlined under grant agreements with thefoundation. These grants support a range of education,engagement, and research projects and initiatives related tothe nation's long-term fiscal and economic challenges, aswell as the key drivers of debt. A complete listing of ourpaid grants in fiscal year 2023 can be found in part xiv.
Education, awareness, and engagementthe Foundation's education, awareness, and engagement initiatives seek to improve americans' understanding of andparticipation in supporting fiscal sustainability andeconomic resiliency for the next generation. The foundationproduces information on fiscal and economic policy topicsfor the general public; connects a range of audiences withnon-partisan resources and information; and issues policyresearch briefs and statements around key fiscal milestones.the Foundation enables broad discourse regarding fiscal andeconomic issues through its websites and social media. Inaddition, the Foundation holds regular convenings, bringingtogether policy leaders, experts, and elected officials fromacross the political and ideological spectrum to discussfiscal and economic issues.
Policy, research and analysisthe Foundation produces non-partisan research, analyses, and other data-driven information to help make complex fiscal, healthcare, and economic issues more understandable to the public, the media, policymakers, and other stakeholders. The Foundation's research and analyses are incorporated into its education, awareness, and engagement activities, and are made accessible through multiple channels, including the Foundation's websites, public communications, and social media.
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