Program areas at PAI
Career connected learning Philadelphia Academies, inc.(pai) has a number of initiatives housed under our career-connected programs. Pai supports schools implementing the career academy model, an approach that schedules students and teachers in small learning communities around a specific career pathway. Pai supports career pathway development, providing assistance to schools in program design, implementation and evaluation, as well as industry organizing and relationship management. Work-based learning programs, including pai's hospitality initiative, provide students with sets of scaffolded real-world experiences to foster career exposure, awareness, preparation and training. Bridge programming creates a bridge from school to work by preparing students with the skills needed to successfully enter the workforce, continue their education, or join an apprenticeship program after graduation. Data supports and freshman success initiatives focus on increasing the effectiveness of teachers' use of data to support students, as well as building a strong 9th grade foundation through freshman Academies to ensure high school success.
Teacher and school leadership support and capacity building building the capacity of teachers and administrators is key to improving student outcomes. Our middle school success network (mssn) and 9th grade success network (9gsn) strengthen schools through technical assistance and professional development focused on fostering student success in critical transitionary grade levels.
Scholarships & classroom resources the Philadelphia Academies, Inc. has five funds from which it awards scholarships for post-secondary education to graduating seniors. The richard h. delone memorial fund was established in honor of richard h. delone, who devoted his life to improving public education in Philadelphia and the nation through advocacy, consulting, and advising. He was tireless in his efforts to help young people make successful transitions from school to work. The scholarship is awarded to one (1) student who has shown academic improvement over three years in the academy and who has contributed service to the community or school. The scholarship is awarded in the amount of 4,800 over four years. The peter j. merlino achievement award is in memory of a former academy coordinator of the academy of the fitness, health promotions & sports education at benjamin franklin high school. He was the devoted husband of our director of finance, ilene g. merlino, as well as a father and teacher. He was dedicated to helping students achieve. The scholarship is for 1,250 over four years. The clinton gibson memorial scholarship is in memory of mr. gibson, who was a director on the Philadelphia Academies, Inc. board. Upon his death, he placed a codicil in his will for a scholarship fund to be set up in his memory. The amount of this scholarship is 750 and distributed in one lump sum. The justin w. griffiths memorial scholarship award is in memory of the son of former Academies board member, jeffrey w. griffiths. Justin graduated from the university of Delaware with a degree in finance in 2012 and followed his dream to start a career on wall street. Justin put his heart into everything he accomplished from his friendships to his career. He will always be remembered for his compassionate and caring nature. To justin, success was in helping those around him to reach their goals and offer ceaseless support. The scholarship is for 4,000 over four years. The benjamin franklin scholarship fund, established by benjamin franklin's will in 1790, is a trust fund administered through the Philadelphia foundation and awarded to the Philadelphia Academies, Inc. its goal is to provide scholarships and classroom resources to: - (60% minimum) for academy students seeking post-secondary education in the trades, crafts and applied science fields. The foundation works with academy programs within this criteria. The scholarships will assist students who need financial aid to obtain post-secondary education. The award amounts vary per student. - (40% maximum) for academy programs to augment their teaching resources by the purchase of equipment, teaching materials, special supplies, etc that would enhance the quality of education that they already provide in the crafts, trades and applied sciences.