Program areas at Elevate 215
School and Talent Grants Elevate 215 makes grants to school operators to support the start-up, expansion, or the capacity building of public, public charter, and catholic schools located in Philadelphia. Grant funding supports the expenses of startup, growth and/or improvement activities over the course of single or multiple years. The Organization screens prospective applications by conducting extensive due diligence on the applicants before approving grants, including examination of school models, quantitative data on academic outcomes, analysis of student attendance, attrition, graduation and matriculation data, financial analysis, review of strategic growth plans, assessment of organizational leadership capacity, interviews with school leaders, and school site visits. The Organization invests in talent development initiatives, which are focused on strengthening the recruitment, retention and skill development of school leaders and teachers. During the period ended June 30, 2024, Elevate 215 supported 9 organizations. Community Resources The Organization develops and maintains two technology-based resources to support families in learning about and selecting a school that is a good fit for their children. is a web-based information resource that helps parents and guardians learn about school options in Philadelphia by sharing information on school services and performance ratings for more than 2,000 pre-kindergarten and K-12 schools; it also features advice and answers to frequently asked questions on various topics including school application processes specific by sector, scholarships, how to apply to high schools, interacting with a student's teacher, and other relevant information. Policy and Advocacy To ensure that the conditions exist in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania to support the growth and improvement of quality schools, the Organization educates and advocates for evolved education-related policies and makes grants to support such advocacy. The Organization's advocacy is always nonpartisan; it does not support or advocate on behalf of candidates for elected office or education legislation. schools, the Organization educates and advocates for evolved education-related policies and makes grants to support such advocacy. The Organization's advocacy is always nonpartisan; it does not support or advocate on behalf of candidates for elected office or education legislation. schools, the Organization educates and advocates for evolved education-related policies and makes grants to support such advocacy. The Organization's advocacy is always nonpartisan; it does not support or advocate on behalf of candidates for elected office or education legislation.
Apply Philly Charter Elevate 215 operates the Apply Philly Charter For the period of January 1 - June 30, 2024, over 100,000 families utilized the website to gather information on over 400 school options in Philadelphia. In addition, Elevate 215 supports the Apply Philly Charter ( technology platform, which is an online enrollment system that facilitates the application and acceptance process for a majority of the public charter schools in Philadelphia. In 2024, over 29,000 families utilized Apply Philly Charter to select a school and submit over 130,000 applications.