Program areas at Philadelphia Youth Sports Collaborative
Comprehensive member engagement and capacity building services:pysc provides capacity building services to its member organizations, which number nearly 100. The services include program alignment, nonprofit training, coach education, outcome measurement tools and training, advocacy for the community, and communication strategies that highlight and elevate the work of Youth Sports providers across Philadelphia.
School district:together with the school district of Philadelphia's office of athletics, pysc has supported the training of coaches, development of curriculum, and comprehensive outcome measurement for the newly implemented elementary school intramurals program at 40 school locations. This program is now serving over 1000 Youth, and is delivered by trained school district personnel.
Parks and rec:the citywide Youth Sports initiative is an effort with Philadelphia parks and recreation to identify and implement strategies that fill gaps in service in the Youth Sports system. Together, we've partnered to utilize americorps positions to place paid coaches at underutilized recreation centers, provided equipment to existing Sports programs, run introductory programs for girls by aligning providers in select locations, trained coaches in trauma-informed coaching strategies, and are 75% complete on a full landscape assessment of recreational play spaces and facilities, and the programs that use them.
Annual conference/ program service events
Swim pantry program:suit up for summer is a program where pysc raises funds to provide appropriate swimwear for Youth who utilize the city's public pools. Many children come to the pool in street clothes and then are not allowed to swim. The pantry provides boys and girls swimwear, goggles, towels, and flip flops for Youth at each pool.