Program areas at Philanthropy Ohio
Advocating: supporting policies to strengthen the charitable sector, improve local communities and lift up the ultimate beneficiaries of philanthropic resources. Philanthropy Ohio (poh) lead and equipped our members by: (1) bringing Philanthropy's voice to key external audiences including media, state and federal policy makers and through interaction with Ohio's statewide officials and cabinet staff, including serving on the Ohio attorney general's charitable advisory council and governor dewine's Ohio Philanthropy collective; (2) influencing state policy reform in education, health and housing through member-driven coalitions; (3) influencing state policy reform related to charitable giving through our member-driven public policy committee.
Convening: engaging people in meaningful conversations, providing space for learning from each other, collaborating and strengthening relationships in order to amplify impact. Poh maintains several electronic listservs that allow members to interact with peers, posing questions and seeking advice. In 2022, poh members connected through the listservs, with 136 questions and answers provided. Peer groups met virtually and in person, organized by job role (scholarship managers, executive directors, etc.) And interests (equity peer groups, education funders, etc. ).
Educating: sharing the wisdom from local experts, national thought leaders and peers through programs and knowledge resources that improve philanthropic practices. In 2022 poh offered 64 programs, serving over 1,300 participants, including the Philanthropy forward '22 conference. In addition to the annual conference, poh offered programs in core competency areas (communications, finance & investments, governance, grantmaking, etc.) And by job position (scholarship managers, executive directors, etc.) And interest areas (equity peer groups, education funders, etc.). Poh also enhanced knowledge by answering 53 requests for information in 2022 and producing 136 newsletters and specialized publications including a region- and ohio-specific compensation report and the Ohio gives report.