Program areas at Pih Health Downey Hospital
Patient care: Pih Health Downey Hospital officially became part of Pih Health in october 2013. As a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, 199-bed Hospital, the Downey campus has provided quality care in a welcoming environment for almost 100 years.patient care in fiscal year 2022-2023employees 1,196volunteers 275number of emergency department (ed) visits 62,413medical staff 478
Other community benefit services: community Health improvement services, Health professions education, subsidized Health services, cash and in-kind contributions and community building are comprised of the following: community Health improvement services: defined as community Health improvement activities, which extend beyond patient care activities. These programs include: community helpline and enrollment assistance.snapshot of outcomes: 8,092 community members were reached through a variety of community Health improvement professions education: this category includes educational programs for physicians, nurses, students and other Health professionals when education is necessary or required by state law, accrediting body or Health profession society. Pih Health programs include the family medicine residency program, and student education (internship, externship, preceptorship and mentoring programs).snapshot of outcomes: 78 student nurses, physician residents and other individuals studying to become healthcare professionals were provided with mentorship, preceptorship and training opportunities.subsidized Health services: subsidized services are clinical programs, which are provided despite a financial loss so significant that negative margins remain after removing the effects of financial assistance, bad debt and medi-cal shortfalls. Nevertheless, the service is provided because it meets an identified community need and, if no longer offered, would either be unavailable in the area or fall to the responsibility of government or another nonprofit organization to provide. Pih Health services provided include emergency department on-call physicians.snapshot of outcomes: some 41 individuals were served by subsidized Health services. Cash & in-kind contributions: this category includes funds and in-kind services donated by Pih Health to community organizations or to the community-at-large for a community benefit purpose. These donations include cash donations to community organizations, hours contributed by staff to the community while on Pih Health work time, the cost of meeting space provided to community groups, and the donations of equipment, medications, supplies and services. Snapshot of outcomes: 112 at-risk individuals were provided with in-kind durable medical equipment, clothing or services, such as skilled nursing or mental healthcare.for additional information, please refer to Pih Health's community benefit report at:
Financial assistance and means-tested government programs: financial assistance, also known as charity care, is defined as free or discounted Health services provided to individuals who cannot afford to pay and who meet the eligibility criteria of the organization's financial assistance policy. Pih Health offers a generous financial assistance program, providing charity care to those with family income(s) at or below 400% of federal poverty level providing services to those patients participating in means-tested government Health programs, such as medi-cal, Pih Health realizes a collective net loss each fiscal year due to the shortfall created when the payments received from these programs are less than the cost of caring for public program beneficiaries. Number of persons served by financial assistance and means-tested government programs: 42,836