Program areas at Poland Evangelical Mission
Through the Evangelical bible school, we helped to support ten christian leaders in Poland. Seven of these are pastors directly involved with planting churches in Poland. One is the director of the bible school which we support, two also act as directors of church camps, and two evangelize through the performing arts. Our goal is to provide enough financial support so these people do not need to work full time outside of the church and are therefore able to spend a significant part of their time growing their churches and ministries.
Contribute funds and labor toward growing an Evangelical bible school. This school is used primarily to train christian leaders and pastors who can then help grow existing churches or be used to plant new churches. At least six who have graduated from this school are pastors of their own churches. While learning to lead ministries the students are all involved with a variety of ministries including: youth, children's worship, orphanage, prison, and camp ministries to name a few. This school provides a three year curriculum and by completing a fourth year at an accredited college or university a student can achieve an undergraduate degree.
Contribute funds to christian camps in Poland in order to help grow the camps and provide scholarships to those unable to afford camp. Our Mission now supports two church camps both financially and by sending volunteer teams to help with the church camps during the summer. These teams supply games, sport, and arts/crafts material and equipment, speakers for worship services, and leaders for organized activities. They also provide camp scholarships so those in need can attend camp.
As part of pem's efforts to grow the Evangelical bible school, pem has an assist a student program to provide financial help to those who want to attend this school. We also help with special physical church or church program needs among the Evangelical churches in Poland. This year pem continued to raise for the jastrzebie church and camp building project, which will add an exit for dorm rooms and additional kitchen space. We provided daniel cichocki with needed electronic equipment for his bible school and camp ministries as well as a new computer. Pem also provided ukrainian students with scholarships to camp eden. We have also begun to raise money for a new van to be used to deliver food to the poor. Explanation of how scholarship recipients are selected: in january 2004 we began to award deserving students of the Evangelical bible school in bydgoszca, Poland with scholarships to help offset the cost of their education. Students are selected by a board of three people. This board includes the director of the school, an instructor and an administrator. Together they select students based on criteria which includes: financial need, academic proficiency and a strong desire to be involved with church ministry. Pem then matches scholarship donors to approved student recipients.