Program areas at PolicyBridge
* Policybridge was invited to become research partners with magnet, towards employment, and new growth group, to pilot and test an intervention that provides career training and wrap-around services for those underrepresented in manufacturing, including formerly incarcerated people and unemployed young people ages 18 to 24.
*Policybridge has received funding from the cleveland black futures fund for the purpose of organization, reconfiguration for growth, and sustainability. This funding is used to support Policybridge's mission of research and advocacy in the focus areas of: economic development, education, health & wellness, and social justice within the communities they serve.
See schedule o* Policybridge launched the urban agenda collective impact project in 2023 with several significant community partners listed below. An urban agenda is not a report or policy brief and is not a new program or initiative. An urban agenda is a call for coordinated and integrated planning, collective action, and accountability. The urban agenda framework identifies six focus areas: economic opportunity and mobility; neighborhoods and housing; community health and wellness; criminal and social justice; educational attainment and career launching; and community mobility and stability. Each focus area has a significant amount of priority issues, problems, and concerns. It is hoped that this framework is shared with corporate and philanthropic boards, shapes local elections, sparks community discussions, emboldens stakeholders and drives this community to act with collective purpose for a better future for cleveland and its people. An urban agenda advances the economic and social inclusion of black and brown people; builds a vital, sustainable, healthy, and engaged community; addresses conditions that have resulted in disinvestment in communities of color; mitigates policies and practices that foster structural and institutional racism; is a blueprint that clarifies community priorities, codifies joint approaches for action, and unifies like-mined leaders from various backgrounds and disciplines to ensure successful implementation. The community partners who have been engaged in the urban agenda work thus far are: - the city of cleveland administration and council -cuyahoga county administration and council - greater cleveland partnership - the cleveland foundation - the george gund foundation - united way of greater cleveland - cleveland neighborhood progress - cleveland state university levin college of urban affairs and education - case western reserve university center for poverty and community development - cuyahoga community college - urban league of greater cleveland - Policybridge