Program areas at PolicyLink
Thriving communities - this portfolio aims to create communities where all children and families prosper through equitable infrastructure, affordable housing, quality education, human services delivery, and clean water. Thriving communities honor the dignity of every person, promote physical and economic mobility, and protect residents from legal and environmental harm.
Equitable economy - this portfolio aims to create an economy in which all people have good jobs, dignified and rising standards of living, and increased voice, power, and ownership. This work focuses on establishing standards--particularly corporate and industrial policy standards--designed to ensure the market serves all people, where the government produces and regulates the flow of money as commodity that is available to all, where work is honored with compensation that affords self-determination and mobility, and where wealth produced by the many is enjoyed by the many.
Flourishing democracy - this portfolio aims to build towards a flourishing democracy fueled by governing standards that advance the power and well-being of all people in all places--governing for all. This includes establishing government bodies and governing structures that can advance and protect human, social, environmental, spatial, and political rights.
A) data + research - developing data and research to equip community leaders and policymakers with the tools necessary to advance equitable growth and to inform community action.b) communications - establishing a national voice--through narrative, arts, and culture--to advance policy and catalyze the imagination necessary to envision alternative futures and build the will to make them real.c) impact - leveraging results-based accountability to measure the effectiveness of our work and drive continuous improvement of our programs and internal operations.d) other - fiscal sponsorships, podcasts, and consulting engagements.the activities described in form 990, part iii, line 4, are supported by administrative and fundraising work. The organization's management and general work centers operational excellence including functions critical to: ensure a supportive working environment that centers love and accountability; provide the coordination of organizational strategy; properly implement the directives of the board of directors; manage the financial and budgetary responsibilities of the organization; and build and protect an enduring institution in a manner consistent with the rules and regulations that govern not-for-profit organizations. Management and general expenses are reported in form 990, part ix, column c. the organization's fundraising work focuses on securing the financial resources necessary for the organization to achieve its mission. That funding provides capital for current activities in addition to reserve and growth funds to ensure the long-term sustainability critical to delivering on the organization's mission. Fundraising expenses are reported in form 990, part ix, column d.