Program areas at Pony Bird
Community living - the community living program offers individuals with disabilities the opportunity to learn independent living skills in a safe, caring, home-like environment. The organization offers an extensive array of residential supports designed to assist people in living as independently as their abilities permit. A team of qualified professionals works with the individual and their family to tailor an individual support plan based upon their specific needs and preferences. Areas of support may include, but are not limited to: self-help skills, communication, safety/survival skills, domestic skills, recreation/ leisure planning, community integration, academics, money handling and decision-making. Individuals are also helped to connect to their religious, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds.
Employment services - employment services strive to discover, complement, and develop vocational abilities in each individual, while providing supports for them to overcome challenges and obtain meaningful employment. The program achieves its goals through three distinct opportunities. First, the over-arching employment services model gives each individual tools and supports for their job search. With the support of a case manager and job developer, individuals work on skill building in resumes and cover letters, applications, job readiness training classes, mock interviews and retention supports. Second, supported employment provides every individual with intensive one-on-one support including pre-employment discovery and exploration, job searches, job supports, and long-term retention. Community-based work assessments, job shadows, individualized job goals, and more are included to ensure the long-term success of participants. Lastly, the transition program offers a six-week work experience at an employment site in the community for students entering their high school senior year. A member of the organization's team remains on site with students and conducts job readiness training classes.
Community support - community support services provides two, distinct opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The first, located in herculaneum, offers an array of programs to develop skills that lead to fuller, more independent lives. Participants are involved in daily therapeutic activities geared toward achieving personalized goals. Goals include, but are not limited to: increasing independence, physical abilities, learning and communication skills, choices and decision-making. The second opportunity is located in mapaville and provides specialized supports for individuals with significant disabilities who are non-ambulatory and medically fragile. These programs focus on skills that promote self-respect, increase communication and decision-making, and empower individuals to live their best possible lives. Both programs are committed to holistic health approaches and serve individuals at every age and stage of life.
Family support and leisure - the family support and leisure programs empower and strengthen families who provide care for a son, daughter, or other family member with a developmental disability. The organization's programs equip family caregivers so they are able to effectively face challenges and provide care longer. Family support offers three primary programs. First, mycare is a respite voucher program that empowers families to find quality caregivers who will provide their loved one with the support and oversight when family members need a break. Second, the organization's respite programs provide safe and enriching support for individuals with significant disabilities who are non-ambulatory and medically fragile. Respite services may be provided for up to two weeks. Lastly, kidstart is a lending library that offers hundreds of developmental and adaptive materials available to families and their young children. The purpose of the program is to promote early child development and support families by offering an affordable alternative for accessing vital therapeutic resources and equipment.leisure programs encourage active lifestyles and offer participants with disabilities the opportunity to develop peer relationships outside of family and work. The organization offers an array of community-based recreational activities, unique experiences, and vacations guided by suggestions of participants. Opportunities include: monthly social activities, special events, dining out and movie nights, sporting events, special olympics training and competition, weekend getaways, and so much more.