Program areas at PMC
National and international initiatives - pmc works with its own domestic employees, field office staff, and others to establish and expand specific Media projects in a number of countries (including ethiopia, burundi, the democratic republic of congo, kenya, liberia, nigeria, zambia, uganda, the u.s., mexico, guatemala, haiti, and nepal) each with the goal of working with broadcasters and human-service organizations to promote the elevation of the status of women and girls, reproductive health, protection of children, small family norms, the avoidance of adolescent parenthood, and the protection of the environment with Media content tailored to the local culture.
Public outreach - this program category includes speaking and writingwork done by pmc staff as well as the program-related portion of thewebsite, newsletters, social Media, annual report and other communication efforts.
General program development - pmc continues to initiate Media projects in asia, africa, north america, latin america, and the caribbean. This ongoing exploratory, development and support work includes meetings with government officials, thematic experts, broadcasters, and non-governmental organizations, assessment of mass Media regarding coverage of relevant information and audience penetration, and other research and development activities.