Program areas at Port Chester Carver Center
Food service program:carver Center's food service program provides daily hot meals to children enrolled in Port Chester after school programs, Carver Center's teen programs, and various pre-kindergarten programs in the village of Port Chester. Carver's food service program is partially funded during the academic year through the child and adult care food program (cacfp), which is administered by new york state department of health's nutrition program. During the summer of 2022, Carver Center primarily served hot meals to children enrolled in summer school programs. Beginning in september of 2022, Carver Center served approximately 1,200 nutritious hot meals per day.
Carver out-of-school time programs (after school, summer camp and teen center):carver Center offered comprehensive summer and after school programs for middle school students from the Port Chester middle school that promoted homework completion, academic support, enrichment opportunities and recreation. During the summer of 2022, Carver Center enrolled 182 children in a half-day enrichment program (mondays fridays) that included a hot meal. During the academic year, the program served nearly 90 students mondays-thursdays at Carver Center taking full advantage of the facility's resources including our computer lab, makerspace, gym, and tween Center. Other children's programs include music lessons, stem workshops, aquatics programs and more.the vision behind Carver's teen Center programs for more than 150 8th graders and high school students is to cultivate the next generation of self-directed learners who enjoy guided exploration fueled by their imagination and heightened engagement. Teen programming provides academic support, social-emotional development, recreational activities, a state-of-the-art music studio, and art opportunities.carver Center teens form lasting relationships in our teen Center, as they are assisted in the navigation of life's challenges. Daily meals, recreational outlets and social activities are part of the draw and once with us, our teens take full advantage of our technology lab, music studio, and gymnasium in support of building healthy minds and bodies.carver scholars: personal and academic support that translate into success in high school and beyond are the cornerstones of the scholars' program. Motivated teens receive one-on-one coaching, participate in specialized workshops, experience leadership development sessions and are exposed to powerful enrichment opportunities, such as our well-known college tours.
The Carver market:the Carver market is a grocery store-style food pantry located at the Carver Center. In any given month, 600-1,600 families come to shop for fresh produce, meats, and other proteins, canned and other shelf stable goods. All the food is offered to clients at no cost. Partnerships with other community agencies ensure we distribute diapers, baby supplies, and more to local families. The Carver market distributes donated turkeys and all the trimmings at holiday time and families who shop in the market regularly have access to other donated products including toiletry products and holiday toys for children. Self-choice shopping on an ongoing basis is occasionally supplemented by special events such as an outdoor farmer's market. Through partnerships with other local organizations, market clients can choose to take home hot meals for their families in addition to their addition to shopping, the community is invited to attend a weekly saturday hot-meal event known as "dinner at noon". The food is prepared by Carver's chef and kitchen staff and served by volunteers from local faith-based organizations and Carver's own board of directors.
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