Program areas at Portland Experimental Theatre Ensemble
Production pete produces one to two full theatrical productions a season aswell as at least one workshop in Portland, or. We create eachwork through a collaborative process utilizing performancecomposition techniques. While every production defines its ownaesthetic needs, our work is marked by an interest in rigor,physical storytelling and notions of psychological surrealism.all performances are open to the public and our audiences rangefrom 100 for a weekend workshop to over 1,000 for a three-weekrun. Our work is supported by grants, individual donations,commissions and ticket sales. Since 2011, pete has produced 19 fullproductions (r3: after shakespeare, song of the dodo, the threesisters, enter the night, drowned horse tavern, all well, or thewhale, procedures for saying no, deception unit, uncle vanya, howto learn, our ruined house, beckett women, weather room,fronteriza, the cherry orchard, the americans, cardiac organ, aseagull).
Training pete runs a training center in contemporary performance(institute for contemporary performance/icp). We teach multiplecommunity classes in performance training and two intensives peryear covering the viewpoints, suzuki, as well as linklater voice,composition techniques and Ensemble building. In the fall of 2015,we started a year-long training program in contemporaryperformance geared towards training young artists in making newwork for the theater. 2023 marks our eighth year of enrollmentwith 12 students. Pete also runs a high-school devised theatreprogram, bringing high school students from demographicallydifferent backgrounds together to create performance thatgenerates dialogue across difference, impacting 125-200 studentsper year.