Program areas at Portland Symphonic Choir
SUMMER SINGS 2022: Nearly 150 participated in both evenings in our free community sing-along educational offering. From local college students to retirees, the age range served included singers from 18 to 84. PSC featured Vivaldi's _Gloria_, a newer choral masterwork, the Robert Ray Gospel Mass, and works by local icon Judy Rose, in an effort to program works to diversigy the choral canon and what constitutes a choral masterwork.
WINTERSONG 2022: PSC held a performance on Portland's East Side at Rose City Park United Methodist Church with choristers from Franklin High School, and a performance on Portland's West Side at Christ United Methodist Church, featuring students from Beaverton. The two performances provided performance and educational opportunities to a total of 90 high schoolers, PSC's regular choir of 80 singers, and reached an in-person audience of 392. Our free livestream reached over 600 people.
FOUNDATIONS CONCERT, OCTOBER 2022: PSC honored the past contributions of notable conductors and built new collaborative bridges. Together with Portland dance company push/FOLD, PSC presented a multidisciplinary version of Bernstein's _The Lark_, a dramatic piece for 75 choristers and 4 dancers, to 180 audience members.
MESSA DI GLORIA, FEBRUARY 2023: PSC presented Puccini's Messa di Gloria with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra to nearly 1,000 audience members over two nights.
BEETHOVEN'S 9TH, MAY 2023: Together, 103 PSC choristers and 100 Portland Youth Philharmonic Youth instrumentalists achieved the goals of creating a multigenerational music-making experience that reached thousands of Portlanders and united 200+ musicians in a classic piece of the repertoire. The performance took place on May 7, 2023, with nearly 2,000 audience members in attendance in person and many more tuning in to the simultaneous livestream.