Program areas at Potomac Curling Club
Program services. Spirit of Curling - maintains a high standard of sportsmanship, etiquette and camaraderie in our club.trophies/nametags - responsible for ensuring all trophies, plaques and member awards are updated each year, and issues each member a nametag.leagues & programs - identifies league & program coordinators, establishing league & program guidelines, administering surveys, and documenting all leagues.internal bonspiels - responsible for coordinating, manning, and documenting internal bonspiels.volunteering - responsible for maintaining the Club's volunteer requirements & recommending ways to increase our volunteer events - responsible for planning, coordinating, manning and documenting of social outings for the membership.communications - responsible for maintaining and improving communications with the entire pcc membership through internal newsletters.
Training. Learn to curl (ltc) - responsible for organizing and running the ltc events.clinics - responsible for scheduling, reviewing and documenting training clinics for players, instructors, officials, & coaches.youth program - responsible for developing, reviewing and documenting the youth program including middle rockers, juniors.competitive Curling - responsible for developing, reviewing and documenting training specifically for competitive Curling including the junior elite training (jet).
Events. External bonspiels - responsible for all aspects of running our bonspiels (tournaments) that are open to the public.fall reception - responsible for the beginning of season shindig (b.o.s.s. )/presidentfs reception which typically includes the annual chili cookoff, and a presentation showing the upcoming season.annual meeting - responsible for assembling a team to organize the annual meeting.fellowship - responsible for reviewing and documenting the Club's responsibilities in our external fellowship events shared with other Curling clubs.