Program areas at Poughkeepsie Farm Project
The Farm is an educational resource for almost 5,000 children, teens, and adults, along with school district educators and staff annually. Pfp's education programs offer a curriculum grounded in social justice. This includes culinary education focused on preparing fresh produce through recipe kits and taste samples. Public workshops help participants develop skills that support resiliency and access to healthy produce. Participants, including "green jobs for youth interns", learn about farming and food justice through hands-on activities, direct stewardship of community gardens, cooking with Farm produce, using herbs as medicine, and participating in leadership training. Pfp also offers professional development to teachers and cafeteria staff for integrating fresh food into school lunches.
Pfp's multifaceted food share program improves access to nutritious, affordable, and sustainably-farmed fresh food. Pfp's work supports food sovereignty, and creates a healthier community by cultivating accessible, and equitable access to produce for food insecure community members. In 2023 pfp donated about 30% (30,000 pounds) of locally grown food. We do this through donations to local emergency food partners, free produce distributions staffed by pfp educators, and sponsored csa shares.
Since 1999, the Poughkeepsie Farm Project (pfp) has operated a produce Farm for the purpose of demonstrating, teaching and promoting sustainable production and distribution methods, preserving community farmland, and improving access to locally-grown and healthy food with a special focus on those with limited access. The csa program connects 400+ families with weekly produce for at least 23 weeks out of the year.