Organization | Type | Location | Revenue |
Vajra Light Foundation | 501(c)(3) | Cazadero, CA | |
The Head Lama of the Tibetan Nyingmapa Meditation Center | 501(c)(3) | Cazadero, CA | |
Mangalam Light Foundation | 501(c)(3) | Cazadero, CA | |
Ananda Light Foundation | 501(c)(3) | Cazadero, CA | |
Bear Medicine Spiritual Community of Venus Rising | 501(c)(3) | New York, NY | |
South Florida Zen Group | 501(c)(3) | SW Ranches, FL | |
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Asheville - 1430 Asheville | 501(c)(3) | Asheville, NC | -$4,158 |
Venus Rising / Shamans Heart Sanctuary of Venus Ri | 501(c)(3) | Lawrence, KS | |
Venus Rising / Soulville Conscious Transformation | 501(c)(3) | Stuart, FL | |
Wallowa Buddhist Temple | 501(c)(3) | Joseph, OR |
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