Program areas at PMA
Co-sponsor of the annual fabtech exhibition, the largestmetalforming, fabricating, welding and metal finishing tradeshowin north america. Provide learning opportunities includingtechnical education to the Metalforming and fabricating industriesthrough seminars, webinars, roundtables and signature eventstargeting senior and middle management along with sales andtechnical/engineering personnel.
Represent the Metalforming industry in regulatory and legislativematters impacting manufacturers of metal parts, assemblies andcomponents primarily at the federal level. Promote the use ofskill standards and environmentally sound, efficient and safeworkplaces to help the industry compete in the global marketplace.
Deliver membership services, products and publication such assafety information, district networking and technical meetings in16 geographical regions and in several Metalforming technologyareas, including metal stamping, deep draw, high speed stamping,precision sheet metal fabricating, metal spinning, slide formingand roll forming technologies, along with industry benchmarkingdata, financial reports and wage/fringe benefit reports. Developand deliver technical training in core Metalforming technologiesto help with workforce training and development.