Program areas at PNS
Upspire, our social enterprise, is comprised of four professional service companies designed to support and employ individuals of Tarrant County facing barriers to employment. Our goal is to break The cycle of poverty and unemployment by providing jobs that restore dignity and provide hope. Upspire provides gainful employment, benefits, case management and job skill training to participants. It is our hope that with The experience, resources and training provided at upspire, our clients transition successfully into The general workforce.during 2023, upspire had 184 available jobs.
Housing solutions provides The safety and comforts of a home coupled with life enrichment services to break The cycle of homelessness. Qualified applicants are assisted with moving into an apartment priced at or below fair market rent. Following an approved home inspection, rent reasonableness, and completed rent calculation, participants are then provided assistance with acquiring basic household items and furniture. Rental payments are made directly to landlords. Case management visits are conducted weekly to support clients in becoming successful community members through making use of supports available to clients, assisting clients with shopping and cooking, increasing communication skills, keeping appointments, and building skills around (cont. On sch. O) other daily living activities. Case managers frequently aid clients to meet their needs for services including employment, education, substance use treatment, and physical and mental health treatment. Individual service plans address client needs and goals throughout The program. Individual service plans are reviewed and updated on a regular basis to assist clients in creating and meeting ongoing goals. Housing solutions served 154 clients in 2023.
The karl travis men's center and The lowdon-schutt's women's center at Presbyterian Night Shelter provide Shelter to adult men and women experiencing homelessness. In addition to their Night of stay, The guests receive one (dinner) to three meals per day depending on The program services they receive, shower facilities, and access to case management services. Case management services include assistance with securing housing, employment, and securing benefit income (food stamps, ssi, ssdi, etc.) And employment assistance. Case managers also assist guests with obtaining critical documents such as social security cards, birth certificates, and state identification.(cont. On sch. O)the objectives of The case management office are: 1. To engage guests in services provided by The case management office2. To connect guests with mainstream resources 3. To move guests out of The cycle of homelessness4. To increase program staff awareness of The needs of The homeless population.the karl travis men's center and The lowdon-schutt's women's center assisted 3,515 unduplicated clients during 2023.
The morris foundation family center provides Shelter to families in their own private room with a semi-private bathroom along with case management services, child advocacy services, and access to numerous groups and community partners designied to strengthen families and end their cycle of homelessness. Families are provided three meals per day, access to basic needs such as diapers, formula, clothing, etc. Case management consists of obtaining critical documents such as birth certificates, state issued id cards and social security cards, obtaining or increasing income through employment and mainstream benefits. Case managers also assist families in reducing barriers to stable housing and applying for housing programs. Child advocacy includes working with families to improve access to child healthcare and education resources. The morris foundation family center served 658 individuals, including 219 adults and 439 children in 2023.the family/individual rapid exit (fire) program provides financial assistance and light touch case management designed to quickly move individuals and families experiencing homelessness, or at imminent risk of homelessness, to stable housing. The program provides 1-12 months of rental assistance along with move-in fees such as application fees, deposits, high risk fees, administration fees, etc. In 2023, The fire program provided services to 704 households.the patriot house veteran grant and per diem program provides transitional housing for up to one year to eligible veterans (as assigned by The local va office). Veterans receive Shelter and case management services designed to increase stability and reduce barriers to long-term housing. In 2023, The grant and per diem program served 114 haven is a permanent supportive housing program without length of stay requirements designed to serve chronically homeless individuals who have a severe mental illness. Individuals may also struggle with addiction to substances, domestic violence, or may be a veteran of The armed forces. The mimi hunter fitzgerald safe haven program offers The residents intensive case management, group support opportunities, life skills education and other supports to increase their stability. Through a partnership with Tarrant County my health my resources (mhmr) services, residents receive psychiatric medication management, monitoring and crisis stabilization at The local mhmr clinic. The program, located on The campus of The Presbyterian Night Shelter, offers safe, comfortable housing for 10 men and 10 women, meals and assistance with clothing and hygiene supplies. 22 unduplicated clients were served in 2023.