Program areas at Prevent Child Abuse Vermont
Family support programs circle of parents support groups: these groups are unique in that they are professionally facilitated, peer led, self-help groups for the prevention and treatment of Child Abuse. Parents come because they want help and recognize they need it. Nurturing parenting programs: these programs are courses on family life skills including communication, non-abusive discipline, how to have family meetings,developing empathy, preventing sexual and substance Abuse, and other topics.
Shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma prevention: this program teaches parents, Child care providers and medical professionals about the dangers of shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma through trainings, workshops and literature distribution. This program also educates participants about safe sleep practices.
The healthy relationships project encompasses all three of the organization's curriculum-based Child sexual Abuse prevention programs; care for kids, we care elementary, and safe-t. The healthy relationships project programs include curriculum training, all school faculty and staff training, opportunities for parent engagement, as well as a 6-10 lesson curriculum to be used with students in the classroom pre-k - 8th grade. This project includes the following two programs: Child sexual Abuse prevention trainings: the organization offers nine distinct trainings for early childhood professionals and other adults who serve or live with children around the issues of children's sexual development, sexual Abuse, and Abuse prevention. As part of these trainings, participants develop knowledge and skills to help nurture children's healthy development and Prevent sexual Abuse. National training: this program provides training and resources to help develop prevention programs in other states. National training supports the following prevention programs: healthy relationships project and Child sexual Abuse prevention trainings.
Shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma prevention: this program teaches parents, Child care providers and medical professionals about the dangers of shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma through trainings, workshops and literature distribution. This program also educates participants about safe sleep practices. Vermont parents home companion and resource directory: parents having children through birth or adoption, as well as thousands of other families involved with social service organizations, receive a copy of this publication. It is a guide to Child development including "golden tips" about everyday problems with children and a directory of a Child and family organizations in Vermont.