Program areas at Prevention First
The Cannabis Public Awareness Campaign (CANN) raises public awareness about the potential harmful effects of marijuana on youth and pregnant women and promotes responsible use of marijuana by adults.
The Opioid (OPIOID) project aims to develop and implement a statewide communications campaign to prevent opioid misuse and reduce stigma.
The Substance Use Prevention Training and Technical Assistance (SUP) program provides training and technical assistance to state-funded substance use prevention grantees.
The Substance Use Treatment Training and Technical Assistance (SUT) program provides training and technical assistance to state-funded substance use disorder licensed treatment facilities. Included under this program is the Substance Use Disorder Crisis Training Project which aims to develop a series of training for mental health crisis workers to elevate awareness and education about substance use disorders, prevention, treatment and recovery.
The Resource Centers (RC) include six separate centers. The Alcohol Policy Resource Center (APRC) provides training, technical assistant, and support to municipalities, law enforcement, and community coalitions to affect the local alcohol environment by developing and implementing effective policies. The Youth Prevention Resource Center (YPRC) provides training and informational resources that address youth substance use, mental health, and traffic safety and promotes youth leadership in those areas. The Cannabis Policy Resource Center (CPRC) provides training, webinars, resources, and assistance to those in Illinois who are working to make communities healthier by reducing youth cannabis use and access. The Traffic Safety Resource Center (TSRC) works to provide education and public information to empower individuals to make driving decisions that will assist in reducing injuries and deaths on Illinois roadways. The Leadership Center (LC) offers webinars, training, education, resources, and tools to assist coalitions, Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) councils, and community members interested in reducing opioid and stimulant use disorder and preventing overdoes deaths in Illinois. The Mental Health Resource Center (MHRC) builds the knowledge, skills, and abilities or those that engage with youth and adults to promote mental health and intervene effectively with people experiencing a mental health challenge.
Prevention First, Inc. coordinates Substance Abuse Training to Department of Corrections (DOC) personnel to become certified addictions counselors to provide treatment services to inmates and those on probation and integrating back into the community.
The Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program aims to broker and deliver training to community-based organizations funded by the State to deliver teen pregnancy prevention programs.
Under the COVID-19 Mitigation (COVID) program, Prevention First, Inc. purchases and distributes COVID-19 mitigation supplies to eligible licensed treatment and mental health facilities in Illinois.
The RPSA Youth Development Training, Technical Assistance, and Support (RYD-TTAS) program provides Chicago-based grantees training, technical assistance, and support to deliver evidence-based positive youth development and violence prevention programs and strategies.
The Suicide Prevention (SUIC) project provides training to child welfare and juvenile justice staff in assessing youth risk for suicide and implementing evidence-based approaches to reduce risk and make effective referrals for futher support.
The Community Garden Project (GARDEN) works with community-based organizations to implement gardening and agriculture initiatives that advance prevention-based outcomes, community building, and neighborhood beautification.