Program areas at Pro Action of Steuben and Yates
Early childhood services:in 2023 early childhood programs such as the head start, early head start, and universal pre-kindergarten programs staffed 14 four-year-old classrooms, 5 three-year-old classrooms, 1 toddler classroom and 1 infant classroom: 273 cumulative center-based and 30 home-based slots. Ehs served 127 cumulative children birth to three years and their families: 22 center-based and 115 home-based slots. In addition, the upk partnership and collaborative expanded rich early childhood experiences to 67 cumulative additional upk children. Pro Action childcare council (paccc) serves as a resource and referral service for families seeking quality childcare services for their children, enabling the parents to work. During 2023, paccc provided 1,394 consultations and referrals in Steuben county. Pro Action childcare council also managed payments to at least 92 childcare providers on behalf of 720 subsidized children from 444 families. Paccc provided 68 formal professional development opportunities for childcare providers with 425 in attendance. As the registrar for Steuben and schuyler counties they provide the services that register, inspect, and provide compliance monitoring. Paccc registered 4 family day care programs and 2 school age programs.
Energy services:the energy services program assists eligible households with meeting the demands of home heating costs and with reducing those costs through energy conservation measures. In 2023, through the home energy assistance program (heap), Pro Action assisted customers with 3 clean and tune services for heating systems, provided air conditioning units to 107 homes, and weatherized 108 households through the weatherization assistance program.
Adult nutrition services:the adult nutrition services program provides nutritious meals to the over sixty population at both congregate meal sites and via home delivered meals. Congregate meal sites also provide the opportunity for socialization and a forum for educational programming. Home delivered meals contribute to assisting individuals in staying in their homes for as long as possible, while ensuring that these people receive a nutritious meal and a personal contact from the driver each day. In 2023 over 18,057 congregate meals were served and over 89,624 meals were delivered to homes in Steuben and Yates counties. The program served over 885 customers and logged over 219,000 miles.
Employment services:these programs provide training and employment assistance for income and age eligible customers. The summer youth employment program served 94 youth in 2023. The Steuben county wheels to work program assisted 6 customers in gaining and retaining employment during the year, while the chemung county wheels to work program assisted 33 customers gain and retain employment. The senior employment program provided job skills training for 31 seniors and secured unsubsidized employment for 11 seniors. The summer learning experience program provided a hybrid model in 2023 serving 122 youth in Steuben county. Classroom time on monday and tuesday included social/emotional learning and stem activities. Home visits on wednesday and thursday included 1:1 time with counselors and food deliveries for each family. Field trips included the strong museum of play, seneca park zoo, minnehan's fun center, spencer nature center, planetarium at ccc, farmland animal park, spotlight movie theater, brock's bowling, mossy bank park, and funland skate center.
Other aging services:yates ofa has continued its monthly pop-up pantries in dundee in 2023. That community has struggled even more with food security since the closing of the 1 local food market prior to 2020. In 2023 pop-up pantries provided 2494 households containing 1924 seniors, 2973 children, and 3144 adults with a combination of fresh, frozen, and nonperishable foods.the Yates ofa and the hope center food pantry continue to work closely together to provide food delivery to anyone that is 60 or over, disabled or sick. Various other aging services are provided in an effort to maximize the quality of life for the over 60 population. These services include transportation, health care counseling, wellness programs, nutrition, legal services, and personal care services. These services extend the time that seniors are able to maintain a level of independence and remain in their own homes.
Csbg operating & other program services