Program areas at Professional Beauty Association
Signature events -the north american hairstyling awards (naha) ceremony, which celebrates the winners of pba's photographic Beauty competition was held in long beach, ca in april 2022 along with beacon, pba's elite student program which engages 150 student cosmetologists for specialized business training.pba produced the international salon & spa expo (isse) in long beach, ca in june 2022. Isse features the industry's top educators along with innovative exhibitors, networking opportunities with top industry pros and insight into tomorrow's hottest Beauty trends. (cont'd on sch. O) pba in a joint venture with our italian partner bologna fiere, s.p.a, produced cosmoprof north america (cpna) in las vegas, Nevada in july 2022. Cpna is the largest Beauty business trade show in the united states, bringing Beauty industry buyers together with manufacturers and brands from across the world. Pba executive summit, engaging 300+ top executives together for sessions on technology, leadership and the future in scottsdale in november 2022. During 2022, pba entered into an agreement with usa Beauty to sell a portion of our ownership in the international salon & spa expo (isse) and cosmoprof north american (cpna). Pba is now a minority owner in all usa Beauty north american trade shows including premiere orlando, premiere anaheim (formerly isse), premiere san antonio, premiere birmingham, cosmoprof north america and cosmoprof miami (new for 2024) and are no longer responsible for organizing/managing these trade shows.
Government affairs - pba's government affairs team works to influence local, state, and federal government legislation. Advocating on behalf of our membership, our efforts include education regarding the importance of occupational licensing for the Professional Beauty industry, business growth, and managing state and federal issues impacting day to day salon operations. Pba's government affairs team also manages advocacy programs that include volunteer outreach efforts within our industry. (cont'd on sch. O) the 113,195 advocates in our Professional Beauty advocate program have taken 843,611 actions connecting with elected officials at the state and federal level. Pba's government affairs team engages and contracts with outside firms to assist with state and federal direct lobbying.the range of the government affairs team includes conducting research, analyzing legislation, creating a strategic response to legislation, lobbying, building grassroots and organizing volunteers, advocacy campaigns and messaging, education outreach, and utilizing partnerships. Our team is proud to serve on the council of state governments' cosmetology and barbering interstate compact technical assistance group funded by the department of defense (dod). Additionally, our team speaks at public and private events sharing the proponent perspective of occupational licensing and educating on a variety of business-related topics of concern for our members. After analyzing legislation our goal is to explain the potential impact and advocate for the best solution for our members.
Membership value - events and education:as we transitioned back into live events, we hosted naha and our beacon student program in april followed by isse in june. Thousands of attendees were able to attend nearly 200 free classes ranging from leading edge technical skills to relevant business-building techniques to help them succeed in their careers. In july, we hosted our cpna las vegas event, featuring an exclusive pba member lounge designed to give members complimentary meeting space and opportunities to network and connect with attendees from all over the globe. (cont'd on sch. O) membership value - business resources:always striving to add value to membership, we refined benefits by member type offering each level of membership unique and curated resources to enhance their business and career. A few highlights include reduced credit card processing fees with preferred vendors, exclusive financial education from industry experts and pba member exclusive pricing on classes at industry member value - visionary program:we further refined our visionary membership program the highest level of membership to include more customization to better meet the needs of each organization. Customized options include partnering on education, marketing efforts, exclusive pba events and more.