Program areas at Program for Aid To Victims of Sexual Assault
Victim services:pavsa provides a variety of direct services To Victims, offering assistance at every stage of the healing process. Services include a 24-hour crisis line, hospital, systems, and support advocacy. We have professional therapists who offer individual therapy and group support. We also provide outreach advocacy To specifically address the populations that are most vulnerable To Sexual violence; including women with disabilities, native american women, at-risk youth, adjudicated women and adolescents, and Victims of human trafficking. Pavsa provided these services To 958 primary and secondary Victims of Sexual violence in 2022. Direct services are provided by pavsa staff. Hospital and crisis line advocacy are provided by trained volunteer Sexual Assault advocates.
Professional/community education:pavsa provided professional education To over 2,005 participants in 2022. Participants included law enforcement, prosecutors, social workers, youth workers, educators, and medical providers. Pavsa provides training To area professional on the basics of Sexual violence as well as how To work with adolescent and adult Victims. Pavsa also provided community education To over 3,012 individuals, including students, elementary through high school, college, and university students, faith communities, middle and high school teachers, community groups, and the general public. Specific outreach education is provided To high risk adolescents and vulnerable adults including homeless individuals and individuals in adjudication facilities.
Sexual Assault nurse examiner (sane) program:pavsa employs 13 professionally trained Sexual Assault nurse examiners (sanes). Sane nurses provided Sexual Assault forensic exams at local hospitals for 106 Victims in 2022. These exams are critical To collecting forensic evidence that can be utilized in police investigations and prosecutions of crimes of Sexual violence. Sane's ensure that Victims receive the most comprehensive and compassionate care following a Sexual Assault. Pavsa also provides annual professional training for nurses who are interested in adult/adolescent and pediatric sane work.