Program areas at PHW
Phw uganda: the Project hosts 99 live in orphans and 38 nearby village children attend our Hope school where they are receiving a quality education, medical care, food, and spiritual/character mentoring. Our goal is to completely build out the second circle of eight homes giving us the capacity to care for 128 live in orphans
South asia region: in se asia, we have start up costs that will serve 25 live-in orphans . The orphans will receive the same holistic care provided at each of our other projects: quality education, medical care, food/water, clothing, and spiritual/character mentorship.
Latin america mission: in juarez, we have established a new activity center to serve 50 children. The orphans live with a relative and come to our center daily for educational and mentoring programs. Food, medical care, and clothing are also provided. In nicaragua, we have a staff of 5 caring for 77 orphans. The orphans attend our activity center and receive the same holistic care provided at each of our other projects. We are also providing care and training for the primary guardians of our children.
Other mission support: we conduct and sponsor short term mission trips throughout the year. Our goal is to provide support for our existing mission Project, provide opportunities for their direct involvement, increase the overall awareness of needs and to expand into new areas.