Program areas at Project WeberRENEW
HIV/HCV Prevention and Navigation: Project Weber/RENEW (PWR) works with numerous partners to slow the spread of HIV/HCV through multi- tiered efforts. As a prevention effort, Project Weber/RENEW distributed over 40,000 condoms and 100,000 clean needles to individuals at high-risk for HIV and/or HCV. PWR exceeded target enrollment in Project Break a SAMHSA funded partnership with Lifespan, aimed at reducing HIV and substance use among Black and Hispanic mean who have sex with men by almost 80%. Project Break, a SAMHSA funded partnership with Lifespan, aimed at reducing HIV and substance use among Black and Hispanic men who have sex with men by almost 80%. PWR continued to engage in street outreach utilizing three outreach vans, targeting high-risk individuals for HIV and HCV. For clients with existing or new HIV diagnosis, PWR staff provided navigation services to remain in or return to care with the goal of achieving viral suppression for HIV-positive clients, as well as support through the treatment process for HCV-positive clients.
Recovery Support/Harm Reduction: PWR continued to provide peer-led street outreach and in our drop-in centers in Providence and Pawtucket, and our team stationed at Kennedy Plaza, we distributed approximately 9,000 naloxone doses to reverse overdoses. PWR provided over 1000 weeks of sober living support for clients in early recovery as well as providing referral to detox or treatment, and peer review coaching. PWR staff also transported clients to detox/treatment over 200 times.
High Risk Case Management and Basic Needs: PWR provided basic needs to approximately 6,000 individuals across over 15,000 encounters - ranging from distribution of food and water to providing clients with clothing. Of those, just over 46% also received case management services, such as replacement or changing of identification documents, medical, social and housing services, navigation or advocacy, and employment guidance. We provided case management and basic needs at two drop in centers and outreach.