Program areas at Providence Community Health Foundation
See schedule oat Providence, we use our voice to advocate for vulnerable populations and needed reforms in Health care. We are also pursuing innovative ways to transform Health care by keeping people healthy, and making our services more convenient, accessible and affordable for all. In an increasingly uncertain world, we are committed to high-quality, compassionate care for everyone - regardless of coverage or ability to pay. We help people and communities benefit from the best Health care model for the future - today.together, our 117,000 caregivers (all employees) serve in 51 hospitals, 1,000 clinics and a comprehensive range of Health and social services across Alaska, California, Montana, new mexico, Oregon, Texas and Washington. The Providence family includes:-providence across seven western states-covenant Health in west texas-providence facey medical Foundation in los angeles, ca-kadlec in southeast washington-pacific medical centers in seattle, wa-swedish Health services in seattle, wa as a comprehensive Health care organization, we are serving more people, advancing best practices and continuing our more than 100-year tradition of serving the poor and vulnerable. Delivering services across seven states, Providence is committed to touching millions of more lives and enhancing the Health of the american west to transform care for the next generation and beyond.through Community benefit programs and other high-impact investments, we work to ensure basic Health needs are met and serve to remove barriers to care, build Community resilience and innovate for the future. Ministries and affiliates support organizations, programs and initiatives that improve Health and well-being and increase equitable access to quality care at the Community level and at scale across seven states.we are proud of our history and continued commitment to helping build a more equitable, sustainable future. Our steadfast commitment to responding to Community need is one of the many ways ministries, affiliates and caregivers live out our shared mission and continue to serve as a vital safety net for those who are vulnerable.for more information go to: httpswwwprovidenceorgaboutannualr... environmental , social, and governance standardsprovidence continues to advance a social responsibility framework that includes a stronger commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion ("dei"), and environmental stewardship. In 2022, we elevated the work of dei, by restructuring resources with plans to align and scale dei strategies across the Providence family of organizations. We continue to execute on our integrated strategic & financial plan which clearly expresses our commitment and acceleration of this important work to address social, racial, and economic disparities in the communities we serve. Providence's social responsibility framework aims to deploy the assets of our system to support Community Health improvement, strengthen local economies and reduce our carbon footprint. We have implemented an environmental stewardship system strategy that encourages waste reductions, efficient energy and water usage, local agriculture partnerships, less toxic and fewer chemical use, and a reduction in carbon from travel. We have also held environmental stewardship as one of the top priorities for our leadership incentive program to ensure alignment and momentum continues. In april 2022, Providence published its first environmental stewardship report, in which we reported 12 percent reduction in carbon emissions in seven key categories in our acute care facilities since our 2019 baseline. As of september 30, 2022, (the most recent data available), we have increased that reduction to 13 percent.program service accomplishments:distributions to Providence medford medical center for capital and minor equipment included: gi scopes; birthplace carts; dialysis unit remodel; emergency department equipment; new wheelchairs for patient access points and floors. Funds were also provided to Providence medical group south for neurology optomology equipment and to support senior Health initiatives. Funding was also provided to support the patient advocate in pmg ob/gyn. Program/service support within southern Oregon service area was given to palliative care, spiritual care, home Health & hospice, cancer center, breast center, swindells resource center, birthplace, nursing education inpatient, funding for center of outcome research and education; patient assistance - mother gamelin charity care (administered by project access now); and bj stormberg employee assistance (in the helping hands fund administered by catholic charities).distributions to Providence childrens Health Foundation included:-support for swindells resource center in southern oregon.-distributions to, or on behalf of, Providence medford medical center for operations.philanthropic missionprovidence Community Health Foundation was officially chartered in 1977 as a non-profit organization with the sole purpose of raising funds in support of strategic priorities at the Providence medford medical center and its related works, advancing the following objectives:-assist, encourage, promote, and advance the care, treatment, and rehabilitation of sick, afflicted, infirm, and injured persons at Providence Health & services in southern oregon.-further, the charitable, scientific, and educational activities of the Providence Health & services (Providence medford medical center) community.-receive and administer funds for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes for the benefit of the Providence Health & services (Providence medford medical center) community.under the leadership of our board of directors, the Foundation has continued to support the mission and legacy of the sisters of Providence by raising and distributing funds to support approved priority programs and services at the Providence medford medical center and in the southern Oregon service area. In addition to raising funds through direct mail appeals, writing grants, and personal solicitation efforts, the Foundation hosts the annual festival of trees, when the rogue valley's finest designers and decorators create winter magic in southern Oregon the first full week after thanksgiving. A Community holiday celebration and tradition, the festival serves as the largest fundraising event for our Foundation as well as a great public awareness tool.patient assistance for inpatient and cancer center included food vouchers, medication, transportation costs, and housing, and is all managed and distributed by project access now.18 medical education scholarships from bev lowman fund education fund supported tuition and books for nursing students. 22 medical education scholarships from the curt and carol bennett healthcare education fund was also awarded for caregivers continuing a career in healthcare. Distributions were sent to the educational institution to be applied to the student's account.funds to catholic charities for its administration of the helping hand fund, which provided living assistance to employees in need within the ph&s-oregon corporation.