Program areas at PCC
Supportive housing & housing placement services one of only a few of such programs in the nation, our permanent supportive housing program is an intensive model of housing and supportive services for homeless victims of domestic violence with either a physical or mental health disability. It includes 10 on-site and 10 scattered site apartments. The organization also has 8 transitional housing apartments available to men, women, and children from any domestic violence sheleter in Connecticut. Residents pay one-third of their income for rent and receive case management and wrap-around support services to achieve their highest level of self-sufficiency and independence. In addition, the agency supports 50 additional survivors and their families in their efforts to overcome barriers, secure, and maintain affordable housing in the community through our rapid rehousing and community-based housing placement services. These programs are all vital to addressing homelessness among survivors and their children and forever breaking cycles of abuse.
Advocacy- full time advocates in new britain courts provide information, referrals, and support to victims of domestic violence involved in civil or criminal matters, helping them understand their legal rights and options, navigate the court process, and access community resources and services. Community education, training, and prevention sessions/activities are provided to raise awareness, encourage healthy relationships, and prevent domestic and dating violence. Individual counseling, support groups and workshops for adults and children help individuals impacted by domestic violence develop safety plans, healthy relationships, and networks of community support.
Shelter and support services- the organization operates a 22-bed, safe shelter available 24/7 to victims of domestic violence and their families, including a separate but on-site accomodation for those who may be uncomfortable in a communal living setting. Clients may stay for 60 days or longer while working with staff to heal and regain control of their lives. On-site services incude counseling support groups, children's services, parenting workshops, health care, case management, and advocacy for housing, benefits and other vital needs. The organization also provides specialized services designed to meet the emotional, social and educational needs of children and youth in our shelter, housing and community-based programs.