Program areas at Public Education Foundation
Project inspire - project inspire is a rigorous teacher preparation program that blends graduate level course work with a classroom apprenticeship and one-on-one coaching with a highly effective teacher in a high-needs classroom. Our residents come from various backgrounds with a focus on science, technology, engineering, or math. Our teacher residency programs provide practical learning, hands-on experience, and a support network teachers need to be sucessful.
Vw elabs - the vw elabs program has placed high-tech learning labs in 35 hamilton County schools to date. These labs provide unique opportunities for the development and implementation of problem-based learning curricula.
Gateway scholars (cams) - gateway scholars is a mentorship program that pairs high school students with college advancement mentors (cams) who support the students to and through college success. Cams provide tailored services to students as they transition to college, promoting self-advocacy, a growth mindset, and academic, social, and emotional learning.
Other program services - step-up, blue sky, stem, innovative educator, camp college and other programs designed to provide professional development to teachers and school administrators with a focus on improving student achievement.