Program areas at Public Health Institute of WM
Research & evaluation is A service that helps providers, policy makers and communities target and measure the impact of their programs/initiatives such as identification of best practices through review of the scientific literature and unpublished evidence sources; conducting Community Health needs assessments and environmental scans to understand current Community needs, services offered, and gaps; and planning and conducting evaluations to assess A program's implementation process and impact.
The coalition building services provide convening services for both multisector collaborations and individual organizations. Projects include healthcare projects, youth Health, and county wide Health improvement planning efforts.
The pvac is A collaborative effort to bring about an alignment of local interests and initiatives to address asthma. The following is A typical partnership fashioned by the coalition: pvac, bmc healthnet plan and baycare Health Partners are working together using healthy homes principles and Community Health workers ("chws") and nurses to identify, remediate and prevent environmental exposures in the home that trigger asthma. These chws conduct home visits with 100's of families of pediatric asthma patients to educate them about home environmental exposures and methods of remediation and provide them with tools and services to aid in remediation.
The live well springfield coalition is A collaborative effort to advance and sustain A comprehensive, collaborative, functioning coalition that recognizes and supports grassroots, organizational and individual initiatives while being "proud participants" of A broader citywide effort to create A healthy sustainable springfield with regards to physical activity and healthy eating. Live well springfield strategies that are convened by Partners for A Healthier Community include - go fresh mobile market, climate justice and age friendly efforts.
Youth education and adolescent Health (yeah) network is A collaborative effort to improve the Health of youth in hampden county. Program emphasis is on youth sexual violence, data collection, assessment and reporting.