Program areas at Public Justice Center
The human right to housing project stands with tenants to protect and expand their right to safe, habitable, affordable, and non-discriminatory housing and their right to fair and equal treatment by Maryland's landlord-tenant laws, courts, and agencies. The Public Justice Center defends renters facing eviction, demand repair of unsafe housing conditions, and represent renters seeking systemic relief from predatory landlord practices. The Public Justice Center partners with tenants, tenant organizers, and community-based groups to advocate for changes to the law to further housing Justice to demand the development of equitable and sustainable affordable housing.
The national coalition for a civil right to counsel (nccrc) seeks to ensure individuals have a right to effective counsel when facing the loss of their basic human needs in the civil legal system. The Public Justice cente works nationally to accomplish this by envisioning and advocating for the right to counsel and educating about the right to counsel.
The workplace Justice project advances Justice and equity for Maryland workers by defending and expanding workers' rights based on the principle of worker power. The Public Justice Center focuses on low-wage, high-violation industries where black and immigrant workers predominate and collaborate with community partners to ensure that those we serve determine our priorities. The Public Justice Center provides know-your-rights education to empower and learn from workers, represent workers in wage-theft and other litigation, and advocate to change policies that maintain racial and economic inequity.
The education stability project seeks to advance race equity, improve student achievement, and prevent involvement with the criminal legal system in Maryland Public schools by combattingthe illegal and excessive use of suspension, expulsion, school-based policing, and otherforms of school pushout that disproportionately target black and brown students. The Public justic Center envisions a school system in which directly-impacted students and families are empowered to build safe and supportive school environments for all.the health and benefits equity project advocates to protect and expand access to health care and safety net services for marylanders struggling to make ends meet. The Public Justice Center supports policies and practices that are designed to eliminate racial and ethnic inequities and enable every Marylander to attain their highest level of health.the appellate advocacy project advocates in appellate courts to influence the development of civil rights and poverty law. The Public Justice Center represents individuals whose cases can reform the law and write friend-of-the-court briefs (also known as amicus briefs) in appeals to help judges understand the impact of their decisions on people with low incomes and communities of color.the prisoners' rights project aims to eliminate pretrial detention to the extent possible; to eliminate unnecessary arrests and detentions that disrupt and destabilize families and communities; and to end pretrial practices that have a disparate impact on people and communities of color.the Public Justice Center provided fiscal sponsorship for three entities: organizing black, baltimore black worker Center, and village of love and resistance. Organizing black is a member-led organization dedicated to fighting for the liberation of all black people. Organizing black builds local power through transformational black direct action organizing, political education, and participatory governance practices. Baltimore black worker Center is building a movement of black workers to transform ourselves, our city and the current economic, political, and social status quo. Village of love and resistance's mission is to co-create a cooperative community in east baltimore owned by black and brown people. We seek to build this cooperative community through the reclamation of land, healing, reconnecting and building a base of community power.