Program areas at Public Justice Foundation
Food project-the Foundation's food project takes a multifaceted approach to support a more sustainable, honest, humane and safe food system. In its lawsuits, it represents farmers, rural communities, consumers and workers who share its vision. In its advocacy, it spreads awareness of the systemic inequities that have allowed the corporate takeover of the food system and show policymakers and the Public how they can support a return to farming focused on sustaining communities rather than extracting profit.
Civil Rights Project - The Foundation takes on a wide variety of matters to protect civil rights, including workers' rights and students' rights. In particular, the Student Civil Rights' Project uses litigation and advocacy to combat harassment and other forms of discrimination so that all students can learn and thrive in school. It brings high-stakes lawsuits and appeals on behalf of students who are denied educational opportunities based on their sex, sexuality, race, or other protected characteristics, and it collaborates with student-led movements.
ACCESS TO JUSTICE-The Access to Justice Project uses litigation, advocacy, and organizing to help people harmed by corporate or governmental abuses by fighting against procedural and structural barriers that prevent them from seeking systemic change and vindicating their rights in transparent and publicly accountable forums. It leads the nation in victories for workers and consumers against efforts to force their claims into arbitration, preserves public access to court records and discovery materials, combats narrow applications of Article III standing that keep individuals and organizations from pursuing justice in federal court, and fights to preserve the class-action device as it is often the only route to force structural change.
Debtors' Prison Project
environmental enforcement project
Other programs