Program areas at Pvblic Foundation
Sdg media zone: the sdg media zone brings together world leaders, influencers, activists, experts, content creators and media partners to highlight and inspire actions and solutions in support of the sustainable development goals. Organized by the un department of global communications, in collaboration with Pvblic Foundation, the sdg media zone takes the conversation on advancing the 2030 agenda out of the policy sphere and into the public discourse through impactful in-depth interviews and conversations on global issues that matter to people everywhere. So far we have produced and organized 30+ sdg media zones in 10+ countries with over 2,500 speakers and an audience of 1 billion reached across 80 countries.fosd summit: for the second consecutive year at the un general assembly week in new york, the family offices for sustainable development (fosd) summit and reception united global leaders and prominent family offices to highlight the power of public-private partnerships and data-driven strategies in advancing the sustainable development goals.cumbre de impacto iberoamericano: cumbre de impacto iberoamericano is a spanish-language event held at the united nations during the high-level week of the un general assembly to discuss progress on the sustainable development goals. The 2024 edition of the summit will focus on educational transformation: innovation and sustainability for the future, addressing the global education crisis from a broad perspective that includes developing essential skills and knowledge to meet contemporary challenges, such as inequality, climate change and technological equity forum: in its second year, the health equity forum offered an action-oriented platform that continues to bring together healthcare leaders from business, government, academia, and civil society to inspire, build, and launch initiatives addressing global health equity challenges. The health equity forum is a groundbreaking impact initiative dedicated to advancing health equity and improving health outcomes for all. By fostering collaboration between leaders from the public and private sectors, the forum aims to create actionable strategies and initiatives in a multi-year effort to address health disparities. The forum aligns with the sustainable development goals (sdgs), particularly sdg 3: good health & wellbeing and sdg 10: reduce inequalities. Sdg lounge - the sdg lounge, organized by Pvblic Foundation in cooperation with un partners and public-private stakeholders, has established a reputation for hosting high-level events on the margins of global forums that catalyze meaningful momentum behind the world's most impactful initiatives. From the cannes lions international festival of creativity to the united nations general assembly, Pvblic Foundation and the sdg lounge have used culture and entertainment to create environments conducive to collaboration for world leaders and global influencers committed to achieving the un's sustainable development goals (sdgs). The sdg lounge at cop27, which produced two dinners and two receptions with strategic partners, proudly built upon its impact-driven legacy.
Media amplification campaigns: an aggregator of media across all platforms, Pvblic works strategically to pair media assets with impact campaigns around the world. We combine philanthropy with media services to support social campaigns from the pre-launch "strategy" phase, through execution and post-campaign reporting. We utilize industry specific expertise, resources, and economies of scale to find the best possible media pricing in order to stretch advertising budgets as far as possible. Leverage exclusive media partnerships to amplify the media plan with additional donated media. We have supported social impact campaigns from the obama white house, numerous un agencies, governments around the world and non-profits. Main campaigns:- un Foundation- conscious fashion campaign - undp don't choose extinction campaign
Sdg data alliance - Pvblic Foundation serves as the program manager and fiduciary to develop an open, policy and community-driven, multi-stakeholder program comprising the private sector, foundations, un organizations, and local and national governments that supports the creation and/or strengthening of geospatial country-level action plans and sdg data hubs across developing countries. The program includes not only acting as the fiduciary but building out the skills and expanding the multi-stakeholder growth working with esri, w.k. Kellogg Foundation, and the united nations ggim secretariat. Pvblic's role is to oversee the funding, growth, innovation, education, and work with all alliance partners and manage the program, making sure that the alliance is making progress and achieving its objectives. Pvblic is currently developing and implementing across the following country government partners: burkina faso, cameroon, chile, eswatini, ethiopia, haiti, morocco, senegal, st. lucia, tunisia, fiji, guatemala, honduras, mozambique, panama, rwanda, south africa, and tonga. Family office for sustainable development - fosd (launched in april 2021): fosd is a strategic program created and managed by Pvblic Foundation and the un office for partnerships which connects curated groups of family offices around the world committed to advancing the sdgs. The family offices for sustainable development aims to offer a trusted and highly effective platform for informing and outreaching to multi-generational and multi-regional family offices, enabling them to draw upon the manifold resources and expertise of the un.