Program areas at Radical
URGENT: As an initiative of Radical, we come alongside organizations that minister to indigenous believers among some of the hardest to reach people and places on earth. There, we make disciples, multiply churches and provide humanitarian relief in ways that are biblically faithful and practically effective.
TRAINING: During the Secret Church event we had a special offering for our training center. We are in the planning phases of establishing a physical location overseas. Here's a description of the program: Located in Western Asia, Radical's Training Center allows global workers to live among the unreached and experience full cultural immersion while gaining language acquisition skills and instruction from seasoned and cross-cultural global workers with years of experience in the field. Focused on both the hard and soft skills required to make Kingdom impact among the unreached, Radical's Training Center will help new global workers develop confidence, resiliency, and learn best practices for cross-cultural church planting, evangelism, and discipleship among some of the hardest to reach people and places on earth. Year program for recent high school graduates (ages 18 - 20). These student take a gap year before starting the next chapter in their lives. It exists to assist the students in becoming disciples of Jesus Christ who leverage their entire lives for teh sake of Gods glory amont all nations.
SECRET CHURCH: David Platt, founder of Radical, was the featured teacher for our Secret Church simulcast in which over 55,000 individuals in 50 states and over 100 countries participated. This simulcast had a direct impact on over 1,260 churches scattered across the United States. Radical provided, free of charge, the Secret Church simulcast and study guides to over 349 missionaries serving overseas. Those participating in Secret Church represent approximately 1,300 people.
RESOURCES: There are over 4,745 individual free resources available for download on the Radical website such as video and audio teachings, transcripts, message notes, discussion guides and family worship guides for the user. Many of our free, online resources are available for download in other languages such as Spanish, Hindi, Indonesian, Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese, Amharic, Thai, French, Farsi and Russian. Many resources, including translated resources, are available through free of charge from October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021. There were 2,333,942 views on from October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021. There were 827,833 unique users who visited from October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021. There were people in 228 countries who visited created to help show and educate users regarding the Great Commission. Its shows the current state of all the variables that are hindering the Gospel advancements amongst the hard to reach people groups of the world.