Program areas at Ragazzi Boys Chorus
CHORAL TRAININGOne of the largest boys choruses in the San Francisco Bay Area, Ragazzi provides outstanding musical training to boys who love to sing.Choral training with Ragazzi builds a boy's self-confidence and teaches him leadership and perseverance in a spirit of community and cooperation. Through training in sight-reading, vocal development, music theory and stage presence, Ragazzi prepares boys to be accomplished performers of outstanding musical works representing our diverse cultural heritage.
SUMMER MUSIC CAMPRagazzi is committed to excellence in music and all the good things that brings to our young artists and society's next generation. To that end, Ragazzi hosts music camps in order to challenge participants and give them the tools and the freedom to imagine who they might become. Camps run for 10 days and nights and include intensive training in vocal technique, ensemble singing, performance practices, music theory and movement/dance.
TOURINGRagazzi regularly tours in the United States and abroad to develop Ragazzi's performance skills and reputation for excellence. Ragazzi has toured internationally to Canada (1990, 2008, 2010 and 2018), Russia (1992 and 2017), Cuba (2011), Eastern Europe (1995 and 2017), Italy (1998 and 2022), Japan (1999), the British Isles (2001), Spain and Portugal (2004), Australia and New Zealand (2007), Canada (2010), South Africa (2011), Mexico (2019), and South Korea (2013). These tours demonstrate that Ragazzi's performances are far reaching. The intensity of the schedule enhances the quality of our programs with numerous performance practices.