Program areas at Rain
Program services include:-epy - empowering positive youth - a unique support program for youth and young adults living with hiv between the ages of 13 - 24. Epy peer navigators work with youth, connecting them to health care, medication, hiv education, emergency assistance. Support groups for youth are also offered as well as periodic groups for parents. In 2023, 31 individuals were served through the epy program. --medical case management - provides linkage and retention in hiv medical care, access to support services and community referrals to address the needs of each patient. Each client has an individualized care plan, developed in collaboration with their medical case manager. The plan identifies and addresses barriers that impact health and wellness. The ultimate goal for mcm clients is to achieve and maintain hiv viral suppression. In 2023, 92 individuals were served with medical case management.--mental health services - on-site and telehealth counseling for clients through one-on-one sessions and support groups to address issues that impact individuals living with hiv. Services are provided by three licensed therapists in english and/or spanish. In in 2023, 78 individuals were served in the mental health program.-prep / pep programs prep (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and pep (post-exposure prophylaxis ) is a biomedical hiv prevention strategy for hiv negative people that reduces the risk of contracting the virus. Rain connects hiv negative people to a prescribing physician to obtain medications to reduce the risk of contracting hiv. In 2023, 131 individuals were served in this program. --health insurance assistance services - expert guidance for uninsured individuals living with hiv, including: assistance with reviewing eligible health care plans, enrollment in appropriate, affordable coverage, and premium assistance for those that qualify. In 2023, 271 individuals were served through the health insurance assistance services.--services for the spanish speaking community - staff members address unique cultural barriers to healthcare and engage clients in medical care with the goal of long term retention and viral suppression. In 2023, 20% of clients served by Rain identified as having latino ethnicity.- early intervention services (eis) preforms outreach activities to identify individuals living with hiv who are not in care or those that are unaware of their hiv status. In 2023, 124 individuals were served through the eis program.- hiv testing is performed to identify individuals who are living with hiv and unaware of their status or at risk. Hiv testing staff link individuals who are testing to follow-up care depending on their unique needs. Hiv/std testing is offered at our main office (monday through friday from 9am to 5pm and wednesday evenings from 5 to 7pm), at our drop in center (monday through friday 9am to 5pm, thursday evenings from 5 to 7pm, and saturdays from 11am to 3pm), and in the community. In 2023, 1484 people were tested by Rain's outreach department. - ease (enhancing wellness through affirming services and education) Rain partners with crew to help individuals decide if they are ready for treatment through a holistic wellness program that focuses on harm reduction based one-on-one counseling, group support and substance use treatment. In 2023, Rain staff served 14 individuals through this partnership.-awareness, prevention education, and outreach events Rain provides free programs to educate the community on the state of hiv in our community, hiv?sti prevention, and promoting the end of hiv stigma. In 2023, 73 people attended awareness and/or prevention education. -in 2023, Rain served 572 unique individuals. 93.71% live at or below 300% of the federal poverty level. 15% of clients utilized multiple services at Rain.