Program areas at Rancho Brazos Community Centers
Food and Hygiene Distribution: The outreach efforts and needs in the area of feeding families remained strong. To that end, we provided bulk food baskets, hygiene products and hot meals as needed. In 2023, our pantry served over 6000 unduplicated persons.
Community Support Direct Assistance: Other programming includes parenting classes, substance abuse awareness, family fellowship time (e.g. movie nights, etc.), holiday food and blanket distribution, assistance with baby products (e.g. clothing, diapers, wipes). Utility Assistance programs to help with family basic needs for everyday life. Benevolences provided such as rides to doctor appointments, funding for medical appointments, prescriptions, utility assistance emergencies, food emergencies, temporary housing assistance.
After School Programs and Community Clinics: Children in the after-school program receive assistance with homework assignments, recreation time, and a dinner meal before leaving each day. We also provide safe and affirming fellowship during after-school hours. Our school backpack program also provides meals for school children on the weekends. We are currently serving over 70 students each day. Community life skills classes, community support events and partnering with other local assistance programs is also provided.