Program areas at Rappahannock Area YMCA
Membership - the Rappahannock Ymca provides membership to fitness and other service facilities to community members in the Rappahannock Area. Members have access to a variety of programs and Ymca locations in the areas. In 2023, the association membership increased from 22,777 to 25,361.
Day camps during the summer and school breaks had 715 average weekly participants. Over $116,799 in discounts and subsidies were provided to participants. Camps combine fun via field trips, swimming, storytelling, music, singing, games, sports and arts and crafts with the y's core values of caring, honesty, respect, responsibility and faith.
Childcare revenue - school age children. The youth education program is designed to help those in need to foster learning skills and develop crucial life skills to empower future success. The school aged child care (s.a.c.c) program served an average of 1,400 monthly participants in 2023. Approximately $412,000 of discounts and subsidies were provided to participants.
Aquatics and wellness: the aquatics department features a variety of fitness programs, as well as water safety education for all ages. The Ymca operated over 10 programs specifically designed with wellness in mind. The wellness program covers cpr courses, provides personal trainers to members and assists community members in health education.
Facility rental for after school and fitness programs. The Ymca provides rentalopportunities to local schools and other organizations to encourage health andfitness and other sports-based community-centered teams, such as swimming andtennis teams.
The early childhood development, preschool programs provided care and instruction to an average of 161 children with 83 of the participants receiving discounts or subsidies.
Gymnasium programs consist of various physical activities in order to promote anactive and healthy lifestyle. In 2023, the Ymca was able to provide the breadth ofprograms and continue to serve the number of people that it had in the past.