Program areas at Reach India
Feed a Widow: Through our Feed a Widow program, we support poor and elderly widows that have no one to take care of them or to financially provide for their daily needs. Many do not even have one meal per day. This program provides hundreds of widows with at least one good meal per day and a new sari each year.
Tailoring Schools: This program teaches underprivileged women to sew, which helps them to financially support their families. At the end of the program, those graduating earn a certificate that gives them the opportunity to work in one of India's many garment factories. Some women also received their own sewing machine.
Other programming: A portion of our funding goes towards smaller projects as needed. Examples include healthcare clinics/medical camps, Covid relief work, giving away goats to low income families, and similar outreach.
The Boys Home & The Girls Home: Our Boys and Girls Homes provide a safe home for children who are orphaned or whose parents cannot afford to take care of them. Children are provided a safe home, food, clothing, an education, and medical care.
Education Centers: The Education Centers we construct serve as places of education, medical and physical outreach, and community gathering.
Save the Girl: Our Save the Girl program helps support families who are not financially able to send their daughters to school. Many Indian parents do not understand the importance of educating their daughters, or else they simply cannot afford the costs associated with education. This program removes the economic burden of education so that underprivileged families are able to send their girls to school.
Bore Wells for Water: We drill Bore Wells in the villages of Southern India to provide fresh and safe drinking water. These wells help to eliminate the water-borne diseases that plague many people in underprivileged villages, where clean water is otherwise scarce.