Program areas at Reaching Souls International
National Missionary Support - 5,459,856 supported 2,381 national pastors and evangelists serving as National Missionaries to their own people, reaching their nations for Jesus Christ without language barriers, travel barriers, or cultural barriers in Africa 2,074, Latin America 285 Asia 22. Their work resulted in a total of 383,037 open-air meetings, 1,666,877 baptisms, 10,668,269 decisions to trust in Christ as Lord and Savior, and 6,702 new churches.
Reaching Generations Orphan Ministry - supported 376 orphaned children in Africa 346 and India 30, most of whom were placed in homes of Christian families and raised as adopted children with support provisions going to the adoptive parents for the benefit of both the adopted child and the adopting family. These children and families are supervised, reviewed, and ministered to by our National Missionaries who are pastoring the churches in the different areas of Africa and India.
National Missionary Annual Reviews New Missionary Interviews - 283,713 was invested conducting reviews of National Missionaries currently being supported by Reaching Souls in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. This includes interviews of National Missionary candidates to be placed in reserve and ready to be put in the field in all three regions.