Program areas at Real Escape From The Sex Trade
Rest emergency services includes our 24/7 hotline and an emergency shelter. the hotline served 352 individuals with 2,973 calls and texts over the year. Through the hotline, we can provide emotional support and safety planning, help survivors connect to the services they need, and screen them for admittance to the emergency receiving center shelter. the shelter consists of 7 individual bedrooms for adult female-identified individuals who have experienced the Sex Trade. It is a low barrier shelter where guests can stay for 30 days with the possibility of extending their stay to 60 or 90 days. In fy 2023, rest provided 56 unique individuals with 2,079 bed nights.
the pathways services center includes our enrichment services, behavioral health, and the rest economic and leadership empowerment academy. Enrichment services allows space for clients to access basic needs, such as food, clothing, and a connect them to resources through referrals and access to our computer center. They are also invited to engage in community workshops and appointments that foster growth towards life skills and self-identified goals. the behavioral health program provides access to group workshops on substance use and individualized care for those experience substance abuse. the academy offers job readiness training, internships, and employment services. In fy 2023, enrichment services served 152 unique individuals with 971 visits, behavioral health, engaged with 67 clients and held 25 group sessions, and the academy supported 19 clients with job readiness training and 58 clients with employment assistance.
Our community services provides trauma-informed person-centered case management and housing support to rest's clients. the community advocate team provides culturally appropriate and responsive care to youth, adults and senior survivors of the Sex Trade by assisting them in accessing resources to aid them in their individualized goals. Housing services assists survivors of the Sex Trade to access and maintain safe and stable housing. This program includes financial assistance that can pay for application fees, move-in costs, rental assistance, and/or past landlord debt, as well as graduated financial assistance to move into housing and then transition to greater life skills and financial responsibility while living in their own home. the rest houses provide independent shared housing to all genders of single adults that have experienced labor trafficking, Sex trafficking, or the Sex Trade. In fy 2023, the advocate team assisted 91 clients with attaining 209 goals. the housing team supported 107 clients to apply for housing, gain housing, and prevent eviction. Rest house, provided 14 clients with 1,736 bed nights