Program areas at REAL Services
Energy assistance - income eligible households received heating assistance and turn-off avoidance during weather amnesty months. The program provided 11,871 families representing 26,161 people in a five-county area with a credit on their heating bills.
Covid-19 - more than 1,000 at-risk people impacted by the economic contraction and social restrictions caused by pandemic had access to programs and Services to meet their needs through senior nutrition, energy assistance, rental assistance, telephone reassurance, and other programs.
Case management - provides a variety of needs assessments and care plans that allow older and disabled persons to maintain their independence and remain in the setting of their choice for as long as possible with support
Weatherization - (expenses 469,354, including grants of 189,288)(revenue 0) - families whose income is below 150% of the poverty level are provided with energy conservation measures to lower fuel consumption and expenses. 30 homes were made more safe and energy efficient. Nutrition - (expenses 2,710,722, including grants of 39,093)(revenue 190,443) - provides low-cost nutritious meals, with recreational activities and informational programs, in centers in st. joseph, elkhart, laporte, marshall, and starke counties. 348,164 nutritious meals were made, delivered, and enjoyed by older adults throughout the region. Donated facilities valued at 117,835 were received but not included in the above expenses. Home and and community Services - (expenses 767,191, including grants of 170,620)(revenue 65,618) - through a person-centered care plan, 4,995 medically frail persons are supported in their goal of remaining in a non- institutional setting of their choice for as long as possible. Area agency on aging - (expenses 917,525, including grants of 56,146) (revenue 0) - provides a variety of Services to older adults in a five- county area. 23,000 individuals were provided with information and resources to strengthen lives through our aging & disability resources center. Foster grandparents - (expenses 147,402, including grants of 56,688) (revenue 0) - provides an opportunity for low-income persons 55+ to give supportive person-to-person service to children with special or exceptional needs. Transportation - (expenses 332,048, including grants of 632)(revenue 0) - provides escort and transportation Services to older adults to necessary appointments. 9,250 trips were provided to older adults. Guardianship - (expenses 249,306, including grants of 628)(revenue 62,260) - serves the interests of older adults being abused or exploited. 78 vulnerable adults were protected. Alzheimer's and dementia Services - (expenses 301,812, including grants of 8,121)(revenue 77,722) - provides education and Services for families and individuals with alzheimer's disease and related disorders. Programs include disease education, caregiver support groups, helpline, quarterly newsletters, website, and family counseling. 2,835 caregivers attended monthly support groups, and 694 professionals were certified in dementia care. Home health care - (expenses 1,281,980, including grants of 1,024,511) (revenue 6,632) - provides home health care to elderly and disabled individuals so that they may live in their homes. Assisted 3,410 individuals. Guardianship - (expenses 249,306, including grants of 628) (revenue 62,260) - Real Services becomes legal guardian for incapacitated older adults in the region who have no other appropriate advocate to assist them.