Program areas at Recovery Consultants of Atlanta
Community Health Center: Recovery Consultants Healthe care for Homeless program provides general primary medical care to all lifecycles through the assessment, diagnosis, screening, education, treatment, referrals, and follow-up for acute and chronic conditions. CLIA waived diagnostic laboratory testing is offered directly and additional diagnostic laboratory testing through a contract with Laboratory Corporation of America. RCA offers screening services including cancer, communicable disease, and cholesterol screenings. Well child services are provided including periodic physical exams and measurements, appropriate screenings and tests to assess vision, hearing, oral health, growth and measurements, appropriate screenings and tests to assess vision, hearing, oral health, growth and development, and immunization status, as well as health education and counseling.
DOL PROJECT Our homeless veteran reintegration program (HVRP) aspires to meet the complex demands of serving both homeless and chronically homeless veterans by providing employment and training services. In addition, the program provides related supportive services to promote, prepare, and improve each individuals state of job readiness in hopes of gaining meaningful employment within the labor force. We aim to stimulate the development of effective service delivery systems that will address multiple complex problems facing our homeless veterans. reduce the onset of substance abuse and HIV transmission among young adults at highest risk. enhancements and effective strategies for prevention and services linkages interventions that will reduce the onset of substance abuse and HIV transmission among young adults at highest risk.
CCBHC PROJECT Play an intricate role in the behavioral health system. Under the care of a psychiatric practitioner, our patients are able to access behavioral and diagnostic assessments, treatment and medication management for a range of mental health disorders. The list includes, but is not limited to, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, and attention deficit disorder
Community services for HIV prevention and other health care provided to the grater Atlanta area. Expenses are $706,397 and grant revenue is $602,372 00