Program areas at Red Wind Consulting
Developed three products for the Haseya Advocate Program. These includes, Womens Education Group curriculum, Crisis Response Manual, and Non-native Guide to Working with Native American Victims.Provided crisis advocacy to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. Services included safety planning, emergency shelter, emergency assistance, emotional support and assistance with accessing community resources. Developed a crisis response and began providing services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. Services included safety planning, emergency shelter, emergency assistance, emotional support and assistance with accessing community resources.Provided 2 Sexual Assault Tribal Advocate Institutes (SATI) and 1 Domestic Abuse Tribal Advocate Institutes (DATI) in Colorado Springs, CO. And provided one SATI and one DATI for Navajo Nation. Developed a Transitional Housing Program for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence. Began providing services assisting survivors with searching and securing housing, providing rental subsidies and supportive services to help stabilize households in the aftermath of violence. Provided national technical assistance to grantees of the Office on Violence against Women focused on program and community responses to children and youth through one-to-one phone contact, webinars, site visits, a national training. Develop a manual for grantees, Creating a Safe Space to Grow. Provided national technical assistance to grantees of the Office onViolence against Women focused on the development and implementation of transitional housing through one-to-one phonecontact, webinars, site visits, peer visits, planning a national training, and the development / facilitation of an online forum. Worked closely with the Leech Lake Band of Ojibway providing training and technical assistance to assist them with the development of homeless programming through site visits, peer visits, and policy development.