Program areas at Riseup Red Wing
Life strategies - Youth are mentored in a thought provoking andcreative process. Our Youth workers inspire Youth to overcome fears,identify values, set goals and take action in their life. The primarygoal of mentoring is to increase skills to work towardsself-sufficiency and success. Each Youth will meet one hour weekly withtheir worker.
We bring organizations and committed individuals together to foster a stronger Red Wing where every family and every young person can thrive. We are working toward a community where government agencies, schools, individual community members, and parents and Youth come together to identify challenges facing our Youth and devise solutions collectively.
Independent living skills group - Youth attend a weekly life skillsgroup facilitated by Red Wing Youth Outreach staff and communityvolunteers. The topics covered include: education, housing, health,team building, money management, post-secondary education, jobreadiness, relationship building and emotional intelligence. We focuson experiential education and community connections.
Community engagement:we hone the advocacy skills of parents and caregivers - meaning a more participatory and inclusive Red Wing. Riseup Red Wing supports parents who want to get more involved on behalf of Youth and helps connect parents to one another to build community.