Program areas at RefugePoint
Refugepoint focuses on two key programmatic areas:1. Self-reliance (host country solutions - hcs)through our self-reliance programs, we help refugees stabilize, build social and economic capital, and engage in dignified livelihoods in the countries to which they have fled so they can meet their own essential needs.2. Resettlement and other pathways to safety (third country solutions 3cs) through our 3cs programs, we help refugees who can't remain safely where they are to permanently and legally relocate to a safe, new country to rebuild their lives.refugepoint's strategies for improving the lives of refugees and thecommunities where they live are described in schedule o:as a core line of our work to support "third country solutions" forrefugees (assisting refugees in their journey from the flight fromtheir home country, to the country of asylum, and then to a thirdcountry for purposes of safety and protection), Refugepoint partnerswith the un high commission for refugees (unhcr) to place refugepointstaff in key locations to assist with the identification, screening,and processing of refugees who may be eligible for resettlement. Usingthe same model, Refugepoint adds private funds to extend capacity inlocations where unmet needs are identified. In addition to resettlement, staff may also engage in child protection assessments to determine the best course of action for children/minors who are in need of protection. Refugepoint also works with partners to expandopportunities for refugees by opening existing program serviceaccomplishments: pathways such as labor migration and familyreunification.refugepoint also engages in other work related to "third countrysolutions." Programming centers on efforts to increase opportunitiesfor refugees to access needed protection through labor mobility, family reunification, educational opportunities and other pathways. As will all programming, we look for opportunities to pilot and demonstrate success of new programs. In addition to direct services, Refugepoint identifies opportunities to build capacity for greater impact and prioritizes strategies that transform refugee response nairobi, kenya, the urban refugee protection program supportsrefugee households to become stable and to progress towardsself-reliance. With a core caseload of approximately 1,500 individuals,social workers and case managers work with clients to develop plans for achieving self-reliance. Skilled Refugepoint staff deliver an integrated array of services including food, shelter, access to healthcare and education, individual and group counseling, smallbusiness start-up and others. We take advantage of existing strengthsin our nairobi programs by adding resources and establishingpartnerships to implement pilot projects and test innovative practicesin other locations. The refugee self-reliance initiative is amulti-stakeholder collaboration that promotes opportunities forrefugees around the world to become self-reliant and achieve a betterquality of life, while simultaneously advocating for the full enjoymentof their rights. The initiative was launched and is co-led byrefugepoint and women's refugee commission.