Program areas at RAA
Strategic communications: the Regional Airline industry and raa have embarked upon a multi-part initiative to push for new advances in aviation safety, while looking at the human factors that have led to accidents in order to avoid incidents in the future. Raa's strategic initiative has the following four elements: - safety council - raa is bringing together safety professionals to review procedures and address issues that can be perceived as a contributing factor to an accident. - fatigue awareness management program - raa promotes a fatigue awareness management program for use by its member airlines.- industry-government partnership - raa is reaching out in partnership with congress, across the government, and to fellow stakeholders in labor and throughout the aviation industry to explore the full range of issues, which could help improve safety and prevent future accidents.
Leaders conference: transformation of the traditional annual convention to an event for in-person attendees. Speakers included Regional Airline ceos, government stakeholders, and other colleagues from aviation communities.
Aviation workforce development: raa engages in public affairs and outreach efforts, provides educational information, and generally works to educate the public on issues related to workforce trends and best practices. Raa works to promote an increase in the pilot and maintenance workforce overall as well as expanding underrepresented demographics in aviation careers. Raa advocates for modifications to federal title iv (student loans) funding to improve pilots' ability to afford training and promotes aviation technician career pathways. Raa is focused on attracting and ensuring sound, safe policy decisions about the training of a new generation of commercial Airline pilots. Raa aims to educate congress about the benefits associated with faa approval of additional structured training pilot training pathways, a position that is supported by comprehensive, peer-reviewed data. For this campaign, raa has hired lobbyists to help with advocacy.
Legislative issues: raa advocates for Regional Airline interests before lawmakers in the united states, providing information and raa's positions on current or potential legislative issues.raa offers news of recent aviation policy developments, legislative analyses, issue briefings, background information, and tips on contacting congress. Raa holds one or more legislative "fly-in" events where board members and industry supply company partners visit members of congress to educate on industry trends and focus areas.
Regulatory affairs: raa staff serve in advisory capacity and have been appointed to standing and ad-hoc governmental regulatory and rule-making committees. Raa provides comments for proposed and final regulations and orders, on behalf of its members. Additionally, raa monitors the federal register and other regulatory sources and advises Airline members on regulatory matters and compliance.
Communications, publications, website and annual report: raa maintains a website, Raa also produces an annual report, which is published online with a limited run of print copies. These publications aim to inform and engage the public on Regional airlines and the important role they play as an economic driver and as connectors of people and places.
Seminars and committee meetings: seminars and committee meetings provide a means for disseminating important information to the industry and advancing industry best practices and are held frequently throughout the year. Raa has 13 councils and committees, and most meet quarterly. Raa also holds an annual summer seminar workshop. Raa's committees and their focus areas include:1. Safety council: safety management systems, procedural compliance, safety metrics, maintenance safety, runway/surface safety, and flight safety.2. Ground safety & employee injury committee: review process of injury types seeking to review injuries, sharing of best practices, analysis of injury details per employee group to identify trends, and track and analyze aircraft ground damage data.3. Emergency response committee: transportation disaster assistance. 4. Security committee: insider threat issues, and aircraft operator standard security program ("aossp").5. Regional operations council: pilot hiring, training, procedural compliance, data gathering, runway and surface safety.6. Flight training committee: extended envelope training, new hire training, and data gathering/analysis. 7. Flight technology committee: nextgen equipage, and collaborative decision making. 8. Inflight committee: flight attendant ("fa") fatigue risk management programs, fa rest requirements and inflight sexual misconduct. 9. Maintenance committee: strengthening procedural compliance, workforce/labor shortages in the maintenance field, generational/demographic shifts in workforce, addressing workforce skills gaps, and attracting future workforce. 10. Human resources committee: nondiscrimination training, recruitment/retention best practices, and leave of absence management. 11. Environmental: drinking water safety, carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for international aviation ("corsia"), sustainability best practices, and cabin air quality.12. Drug and alcohol consortium: compliance philosophy and best practices, and audits. 13. General counsel committee: regulatory compliance and litigation strategy.
Scholarships: raa and/or raa foundation award up to five annual scholarships each year to assist with the education of individuals who are studying for a career in the Airline industry by providing financial support.
Political action committee: political contributions and related expenditures made by the raa pac are included in this program.