Program areas at Regional Arts & Culture Council
Grantsracc distributed approximately $8,600,000 in grant funds in fy23, and currently serves 315 individual artists and 80 Arts organizations, other non-profit organizations, arts-based businesses and schools in the portland tri-county area. The amount distributed includes amounts received in grants as well as those considered agency transactions. Approximately 30 local artists and community representatives serve on panels each year to help assess submissions. Examples of areas of revenue include: artistic programming, community impact, impact on artist, operations, fiscal responsibility and alighment with racc values.
Advocacy & engagementracc works at the local, state, and national levels to build awareness, support and resources for Arts and Culture. Racc convenes forums to promote the importance of Arts and Culture and produces research to help illustrate the impact. Racc continues to advocate to state and local governments for continued covid-19 relief support to artists and art organizations in the region as well as generating additional support for Arts and Culture reinvestment, growth, and recovery. As a result of that effort, racc received three national endowment for the Arts (nea) grants focused on investing in the Arts and Culture in our region, including a two-year $500,000 subgrant award with matching funds from counties to redistribute, a two-year our twon grant of $75,000 for the creative place-making program, with continued distribution in the year ended june 30, 2023, and a $34,500 grant to support capacity building of Arts and Culture organizations. Racc also conducts a workplace giving program that introduces thousands of employees, and their employers, to the local Arts community and generates contributions for the region's Arts and cultural organizations, in addition to our engagements with private and public funders.
Public artracc plays a key role in acquiring and caring for publicly owned or accessible art in the greater portland area. The public art team manages the percent for art programs for the city of portland and multnomah county and is the steward for their respective public art collections. In addition to, and in support of these central tasks, the public art program maintains digital and database inventories; circulates the portable works collection; oversees siting of permanent works; maintains the collection; considers gifsts and memorials; and works with private developers through code related art requirements. Racc also provides public art management contracting services for a variety of local and national agencies, both public and private; and offers workshops and presentations to artists, schools and the public.